Elaine A. Walker | ZiaSpace.com
Elaine A. Walker | ZiaSpace.com

I’m mostly known for my microtonal music, but I do other stuff too–see ZiaSpace.com. I wrote a non-fiction physics/philosophy book, Matter Over Mind: Cosmos, Chaos, and Curiosity. It illuminates the deeper dynamics of the world and a better way forward for humanity.

At age 50 I realized I had a weird gift for visualizing math (autistic brain – I can’t do algebra), and my partner and I have a few published papers now (on arXiv.org). I was diagnosed with Autism at age 52, which I'm quite happy about since it explains everything, and has more pros than cons.

I’ve regularly volunteered for the NewSpace community, promoting the idea of humans living in space. I spent five summers in the High Arctic on the NASA Haughton-Mars Project. I’m a proponent of superlongevity and a cryopreservation member of Alcor. I'm also the mother of a very clever and quick witted little red head.

Medium member since December 2022
Elaine A. Walker | ZiaSpace.com

Elaine A. Walker | ZiaSpace.com

Book Author

I’m an electronic musician and microtonal composer, with an interest in visual math, physics, neuroscience, longevity, and the future of humanity. ZiaSpace.com